ClickBank Sellers can enable editable quantities on the order form of their products. This feature allows customers to specify what quantity of the product they wish to purchase.
The max quantity a customer can order at one time is ten (10) units. However, if you wish to increase the max quantity allowed on your order form, please contact support.
Editable quantity on the order form supports all version of the order form including the default order form, the basic customized order form, and the advanced customized order form.
NOTE: This feature is a seller-enabled feature.
Related: How do I enable seller features?
This article contains the following sections:
- Enabling Editable Quantity
- Maximum Purchase Quantity
- Passing Prep-Populated Quantity Through a PayLink
- Compatibility With Other ClickBank Features
- Editable Quantity & Shipping and Handling
- Additional Resources & Related Articles
Enabling Editable Quantity
Editable Quantity is enabled at the nickname account level. When you enable this feature it adds the editable quantity feature to every order form for that nickname. This feature is enabled from the My Features section of the Vendor Settings area of the nickname account.
Related: How do I enable seller features?
Maximum Purchase Quantity
The max quantity a customer can order at one time is ten (10) units. However, if you wish to increase the max quantity allowed on your order form, please contact support.
If you wish to update the maximum purchase quantity for your product, you can do so in the My Products section of your nickname account. Find the product you want to edit and go to the Pricing section of the product to find the Maximum Purchasable Quantity field.
Passing Prep-Populated Quantity Through a PayLink
If you want to pre-populate an order form with a product quantity, you can pass this quantity through your payment link (aka paylink). The specified quantity is then presented to the customer on the order form. The customer can purchase the specified quantity, use the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease to their desired quantity, or enter a new quantity.
If you are using the PayLink Generator, the generated paylink is an SSL (secure sockets layer) link--meaning that is encrypted. This means that the URL will start with "https" and will be more secure than an "http" link.
NOTE: With the increase in adoption of SSL links, many browsers have warnings for users when they attempt to follow an "http" link. This can increase friction for sellers using non-secure links. ClickBank encourages all sellers to use the "https" formatted paylinks for security and reduced friction for buyers.
To add a prep-populated quantity to your SSL link, follow this template:
- SELLER is the account nickname of the account that the product is listed in.
- ITEM is the Item Number of your product.
- The # following the period after the item number is the quantity that you want to be passed to the order form.
Related: Cart: ClickBank's Multi-Line Transaction Feature
If you are using an non-secure link (one that begins with "http") use this template to pass pre-populated quantity on the order form:
- ITEM is the Item Number of your product.
- SELLER is the account nickname of the account that the product is listed in.
- Replace the # following quantity with the amount that you wish to be pre-populated on the order form.
Compatibility With Other ClickBank Features
Editable quantity is compatible with other ClickBank features, as described below.
Multi-Line Transactions (Cart)
To use editable quantity with multi-line transactions, follow this payment link template:
- SELLER is the account nickname of the account that the products are listed in.
- ITEMA is the Item Number of one of the products you want to be on the order form.
- #A that follows the period after ITEMA is the quantity of that product.
- ITEMB is the Item Number of the second product you want to be on the order form.
- #B that follows the period after ITEMB is the quantity of the ITEMB product.
Here is an example:
In order for quantity to be editable with a multi-line transaction, an additional parameter will need to be passed as part of the cbcart parameter. Additionally, the editURL needs to be passed within a line of JSON. The default quantity displayed to the customer will be the quantity specified as part of the item description within the cbcart parameter.
The same steps from the deafault order form apply, including passing the quantity parameter, the edit functionality and the quantity limits.
On Cart transactions, an item can be removed directly from the order form. By clicking "remove" the item will be grayed out and the change will be reflected in the total.
With the multi-line transaction cbcart JSON, "qty" parameter must immediately follow the "sky" parameter in the JSON. However, "editableQuantity" and "edit URL" can be in any order as long as they are placed consistently outside of the "item" list.
Coupons can be used with editable quantity items. For transactions involving an editable quantity of one product, the coupon is applied linearly and to each item purchased within the quantity specified. In the case of a multi-line transaction purchase when there are multiple times within the transaction, a coupon is applied to the single line item with the highest subtotal that the coupon is applicable for. The discount will be applied to each of the quantities specific for that line item.
For example, if a 50% off coupon is applied to a purchase of two copies of a $10 product, the discount will be $10 total (50% off each of the two items purchased).
If you want to sell different quantities of a product in a PitchPlus Upsell Flow, you do not need the Editable Quantity feature to be enabled. You can use the current Upsell Flow payment link format to specify a quantity.
If Editable Quantity on the Order Form is enabled, then if a user is redirected to the order form during an Upsell Flow, they can edit the quantity for that step. The user is not normally redirected to the order form, so this will not occur unless some information is missing.
NOTE: Any additional paylink parameters can be provided on the paylink URL as well. The order of the parameters is not important unless you are also using Cart.
Editable Quantity & Shipping and Handling
The shipping and handling fee grows linearly and scales as the amount of product increases or decreases. For example, if shipping and handling on one product is $5, then two products will be $10, three will be $15 etc.
If you plan to sell multiple physical products with different shipping locations or shipping costs, you can create multiple shipping profiles with different countries and shipping prices. Each product can only have one shipping profile.
By default, the customer pays the shipping charge per item, so increasing the quantity purchased increases the shipping charge. Alternatively, you can configure a shipping profile to use a flat rate, so customers pay the specified amount for shipping the product, regardless of the quantity purchased.
If an order includes multiple physical products, the shipping profile for each product is applied separately. For example, if you include two physical products in an upsell flow, you can use flat rate shipping for one product and normal shipping for the other.
Related: How do I set up additional shipping profiles?
Additional Resources & Related Articles
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: How to Create a Payment Link
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: Creating Your First Product