What’s New in Version 1.0.7
- This latest version makes sure that your Zaps will work no matter how many items are in your order. It doesn’t matter if it is a single item or multiple (order bumps!) it all Zaps the same.
Anything Else I Should Know?
- Zapier makes sure you are on the latest and greatest version automatically, so you won’t see this new version number when you create new Zaps. Rest assured you are on it.
- If something seems wonky, the tried and true log out/log in should get you set. If not, check Zapier for support help.
See Below if You Love to Dig in to the Details!
- In prior versions, a single sale in lineItemData was presented as an object, and a sale with multiple line item such as an order bump, was presented as an array of sale objects.
- In this version, we normalized the lineItemData to ensure that it contained an array whether the number of lineItems was 1 or many.
- This will provide consistency in the way Zap actions can process the lineItemData.
Previous Versions:
Aug 02, 2019 (Version 1.0.6) - We introduced new fields for customer address and restructured the application for stability.
May 20, 2019 (1.0.0) - Initial build of our ClickBank Zapier App
Zapier lets you connect APP to 1,500+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.
Getting Started with Zapier
- Sign up for a free Zapier account, from there you can jump right in.
- Log in to your Zapier account
- Navigate to "Connected Accounts" from the top menu bar.
- Now click on "Connect new account" and search for "ClickBank"
- Use your credentials to connect your ClickBank account to Zapier.
Related: How to Create ClickBank API Keys - Once that's done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup.
Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with ClickBank and Zapier
If you have any additional questions setting up your Zapier account, you can reach out to them directly at
Using ClickBank with Zapier
Through our Zapier app, you are able to receive near instant notifications for the following events (transaction types):
- New Sale - The sale of a standard product or initial sale of a recurring product.
- Rebill - A rebill for a recurring product.
- Refund - A refund for a standard or recurring product.
- Chargeback - A chargeback for a standard or recurring product.
- Test Transactions – Test transactions for the types listed above (excluding chargebacks).
We recommend setting up test transactions first to ensure that the trigger is set up the way you want before setting up the real trigger. Once a Zap is set up for a test transaction, go create a test transaction on your account to see that transaction pass through your Zapier ClickBank integration to your destination app. Find more information on creating a test purchase on ClickBank.
When creating your integration, you may use all parameters available for each event or a selection that best serves your needs. Here's a summary of all possible parameters across available events:
Header Parameters
Parameter | Description | Characters / Format | Recipient |
transactionTime | Time of transaction in ISO 8601 format | 25 | All |
receipt | ClickBank receipt ID | 8-21 | All |
transactionType | The type of transaction. | 4-31 – See Transaction Types | All |
vendor | The vendor nickname | 5-10 | All |
affiliate | The affiliate nickname. NOTE – This parameter is sent even if the affiliate did not receive a commission for the current transaction. |
5-10 | All |
role | Your role in the transaction | 6-9 – VENDOR, AFFILIATE, or JV_UPSELL | All |
totalAccountAmount | Total you received for the transaction in USD | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
paymentMethod | Payment method used by the customer. | 3-4 – See Payment Methods | All |
totalOrderAmount | Total the customer was charged | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
totalTaxAmount | Total the customer paid in taxes | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | Vendor |
totalShippingAmount | Total the customer paid in shipping | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | Vendor |
currency | Currency the user paid in | 3 | Vendor |
orderLanguage | Language used on the order form | 2 – DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, or PT | Vendor |
trackingCodes | Any tracking codes passed into the order form. | 0-100 each | Vendor, Affiliate |
declinedConsent | Indicates whether the customer declined consent for marketing communications under GDPR. Initial transaction only. EU customers only. |
3-5 – See GDPR Consent Status | Vendor |
Product Parameters
Parameter | Description | Characters / Format | Recipient |
itemNo | SKU of the product ordered | 1-25 | All |
productTitle | Product title | 0-255 | All |
productPrice | Base price for this item, including exchange rates but not including discounts, taxes, or shipping | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
productDiscount | The discount amount applied to the product | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
jvPayout | The total amount of Joint Venture payouts from this product |
Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
affiliatePayout | The amount earned by the affiliate for the sale of the product | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | Vendor |
taxAmount | The tax the customer paid on the product | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
shippingAmount | The shipping & handling fees paid by the customer | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
shippingLiable | Whether you receive the shipping & handling fees | 4-5 – true or false | All |
shippable | Whether the product was a physical good | 4-5 – true or false | All |
recurring | Whether the product was subscription-based | 4-5 – true or false | All |
accountAmount | Amount you received on this line item | Numeric with 2 decimal precision | All |
quantity | Quantity of item purchased | Numeric | All |
downloadUrl | Product download URL for the customer | 0-255 | Vendor |
lineItemType | Type of order the line item was part of | 4-8 – ORIGINAL, CART, BUMP, or UPSELL | All |
Customer Shipping Parameters
Parameter | Description | Characters | Recipient |
firstName | Customer's first name | 0-255 | Vendor |
lastName | Customer's last name | 0-255 | Vendor |
fullName | Customer's first and last name | 0-255 | Vendor |
phoneNumber | Customer's phone number | 0-255 | Vendor |
Customer's email address | 0-255 | Vendor | |
address1 | Customer's physical address, line 1 | 0-255 | Vendor |
address2 | Customer's physical address, line 2 | 0-255 | Vendor |
city | Customer's city | 0-255 | Vendor |
county | Customer's county | 0-255 | Vendor |
state | Customer's state | 0-255 | Vendor |
postalCode | Customer's postal code or zip code | 0-255 | Vendor |
country | Customer's country | 0-255 | Vendor |
Customer Billing Parameters
Parameter | Description | Characters | Recipient |
firstName | Customer's first name | 0-255 | Vendor |
lastName | Customer's last name | 0-255 | Vendor |
fullName | Customer's first and last name | 0-255 | Vendor |
phoneNumber | Customer's phone number | 0-255 | Vendor |
Customer's email address | 0-255 | Vendor | |
state | Customer's state | 0-255 | All |
postalCode | Customer's postal code or zip code | 0-255 | All |
country | Customer's country | 0-255 | All |
Upsell Parameters
Parameter | Description | Characters | Recipient |
upsellOriginalReceipt | Receipt number that started the upsell flow | 8-21 | All |
upsellFlowId | ID of the upsell flow | Integer | Vendor |
upsellSession | Session ID for the upsell | 0-16 | Vendor |
upsellPath | Upsell path | 0-12 |
Additional Resources & Related Articles
- BLOG POST: The New ClickBank and Zapier Integration