ClickBank Sellers are required to include a product image when they onboard their product to ClickBank. Additionally, sellers may want to include images on their customized order form to create brand congruence for their customers.
Each of these images are uploaded and stored in different places in the ClickBank account and have different size recommendations and requirements.
- Product Images
- Order Form images
- My Images
- Image Best Practices
- Image Compliance
- Images API
- Additional Resources & Related Articles
Product Images
All products onboarded on ClickBank require a product image. Product images display on the order form, order bump, and on the customer receipt.
Product images must have at least one side that is at least 300 pixels wide. While a square image measuring 300 x 300 pixels is recommended, only one side must be 300 pixels wide. Images may be up to 20 megabytes, however images over 20 megabytes will be compressed. Image compression can alter the resolution of the picture.
NOTE: Legacy product images measuring 100 x 100 pixels are still supported, however they cannot be uploaded. We recommend that all sellers update their product images to the recommended size of 300 x 300 pixels.
Sizing Recommendation
300 x 300 square image, less that 20 megabytes
Product images must be in one of the following formats:
- .gif
- .png
- .jpg
Review Process
Product images go through a distinct review process that is separate from the overall product review process. Product images are submitted to compliance for review immediately after they are uploaded in the product editor.
Related: Image Compliance
Order Form Images
ClickBank Sellers are not required to add images to their order form, however, adding branded images to the order form can help support conversion and create a more branded experience for potential customers.
The order form customizer allows sellers to optimize their order form for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. This means that sellers can also upload multiple images of different sizes to best display on these different devices. Sellers can uploaded up to 100 pictures through the order form customizer. Once approved, these images can be used on any order form created through that account nickname.
Image sizing recommendations can be conveniently found directly within the order form customizer. If an image is uploaded that is larger than 2,000, it is automatically resized. This resizing process may cause an image to depreciate in quality. Images can be resized manually in the order form customizer module, however, this also may cause the image to lose quality.
Related: Order Form Image Guide & Best Practices
NOTE: Order form images no longer need to be submitted for approval outside of the order form customizer. Legacy images stored in My Images can no longer be used in the order form customizer. All images intended to be used on the order form must be submitted on an order form and are accessible through the order form customizer.
Sizing Recommendations
- 699 pixels, less than 20 megabytes
- Banner Image: 994 pixels, less than 20 megabytes
- All Other Zones: 489 pixels, less than 20 megabytes
- Banner Image: 994 pixels, [megabytes?]
- All Other Zones: 489 pixels. [megabytes?]
Product images must be in one of the following formats:
- .png
- .jpg
- .jpeg
NOTE: We recommend using .jpg format because it is able to compress whereas .png is not able to compress.
Review Process
Order form images are reviewed for compliance when the order form is submitted for review. Once an image on an order form is reviewed and found to be compliant, it is available to be used on any other order forms created in that specific account nickname going forward.
Order form images are held to the same compliance standard as product images.
Related: Image Compliance
My Images
The My Images section of the account nickname is a repository for legacy images that have been previously uploaded through the My Images uploader or through the product editor.
NOTE: Images submitted through the new order form customizer are NOT included in My Images. These images are only visible through the order form customizer.
Product images are submitted for approval immediately once they are uploaded. The submission status of the product image can be found within My Images.
Only images under 100 x 100 pixels can be uploaded through the My Images upload form. ClickBank allows for legacy product images at the 100 x 100 pixel size to remain in use, however all new product images must be uploaded through the product editor and be at least 300 pixels on one side.
Image Best Practices
Images are a critical part of your product experience. In order to strive towards conversions, following image best practices is important.
Mirror header images used on your order form to the header image on your website. This helps keep a consistent feel throughout the buying experience.
Use the same product image on your sales page and your order form. This will reduce customer confusion.
Keep image design similar throughout your sales page and your order form.
Don’t use pixelated or stretched images.
Follow ClickBank’s recommendation for image sizing.
- Utilize the mobile, tablet, and desktop view in the order form customizer to make sure customers are getting the best image of your product no matter what device they are on.
Image Compliance
All images must be professional, high quality, and should not contain distracting pictures that are not relevant in any way to the seller's product. ClickBank is unable to accept images, image name tags, and image alt tags that contain any of the prohibited elements below.
Related: Product Guidelines
The following elements ARE ALLOWED in Images:
- FDA Registered Facility
- 100% secure order page
- GMP Certified
- Refund guarantee
- Customer Testimonials (However, they CANNOT contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content).
- GMO Free, Non-GMO
- 100% Natural, All Natural
The following elements are NOT ALLOWED in Images:
Distracting pictures: Content must not contain distracting pictures that are not relevant in any way to the seller's product.
False scarcity: Limited Inventory Bar, "Only 300 copies!"--when in reality, there are unlimited copies, tickers or timers counting down (ClickBank offers a countdown timer feature to use on the Basic Custom Order Form or the Default Order form)
Contact information: Email address, phone number, or physical address. Since ClickBank is the online retailer and secure form of payment, the contact information will need to be removed in order to comply with card brands.
Pricing of any kind: Pricing that is displayed on an image will not be able to account for taxes in taxable jurisdictions or exchange rates for foreign currencies. The pricing is unclear to the consumer if listed in a static image.
No side effects/100% safe: This applies to ingestible and topical products. Under Federal law, dietary supplements can't be promoted as "safe" or "free from side-effects".
Major Brand, Corporate Logos, or Trademarked Names
Copyrighted Material
Security seals: You can only use the ClickBank seals since the order form is on our domain. Security seals must be clickable, therefore, no images of security fields are allowed.
False, Misleading, Fraudulent, or Deceptive Claims or Content
Images that imply that an incurable disease or disorder can be cured, reversed, permanently healed, etc.
Foul, Vulgar, or Obscene Language
- Adult content: Including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, and/or depictions that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.
Images API
Only images uploaded through the product editor and My Images are shared through the ClickBank images API.
Related: Images API
Additional Resources & Related Articles
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: Order Form Image Guide & Best Practices
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: Creating Your First Product
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: How to I remove or edit a product image?
- KNOWLEDGE BASE: How do I add images to my ClickBank account?