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How do I sign up for a ClickBank account?
How do I sign up for a ClickBank account?

Whether you want to be an affiliate (promoting products) or a seller (offering your own products), you need to sign up for an account.

Updated this week


NOTE: In order to successfully complete your ClickBank account signup, you must complete all of the steps in all of the sections accurately. If you fail to complete all of the steps in all of the sections, your ClickBank account setup will not be successful.

ClickBank users start the sign-up process by creating a primary account, and then creating individual account nicknames.

From those nicknames, you can navigate to the interface where you update their payment information, add products, find products, network with affiliates, and complete many other functions and tasks for their unique accounts.

These accounts are accessed and managed from one central login where their sales data can be analyzed as a whole and tickets for all the accounts can be managed in one place. This central area is the primary ClickBank account.

Signing up for an account is the first step to getting started on ClickBank. Regardless if you want to become a ClickBank Affiliate, or ClickBank Seller (or both), the processes are the same.

NOTE: The following sections are contained in this article. Make sure to work through ALL steps in order to successfully sign up for a ClickBank account. Inputting accurate information in all sections is critical to successfully sign up.

How to Adjust Your Browser Settings

Before proceeding, you may need to adjust your browser settings accordingly. NOTE: We advise that you use the most current and updated version of your preferred browser. This may mean upgrading to Microsoft Edge rather than using Internet Explorer.


Step 1: Click the Firebox dropdown menu.

Step 2: Select the Preferences option.

Step 3: Click the Content tab.

Step 4: Make sure the Enable JavaScript box is checked.

Step 5: Click the Privacy tab.

Step 6: Make sure the Accept Cookies from sites and Accept third-party cookies boxes are both checked.

Internet Explorer

Step 1: Click the Tools menu and choose Internet Options.

Step 2: Click on Security and then make sure that the Security Level Zone is set to Medium-High.

Step 3: Click Privacy and set the Cookies Level to Medium.


Step 1: Click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of your screen.

Step 2: Select Settings from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced.

Step 4: Locate the Privacy and Security section and click Site Settings.

Step 5: Make sure the Cookie settings are set to Allow sites to save and read cookie data.

Step 6: Set the JavaScript setting to Allowed.

How to Initiate a ClickBank Account Sign-Up


Step 1: Go to the

Step 2: Enter your basic information into the sign up form fields including:

  • Country

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Password

NOTE: Your password must contain at least two lowercase letters, at least two uppercase letters, at least 2 numbers, and at least 2 special characters (!@#$%^&* etc.). It cannot exceed 32 characters and it cannot contain any spaces.


Step 3: Click the Continue to Terms and Conditions button.

Step 4: Click the Join ClickBank! Button.


Step 5: Proceed to completing your ClickBank Client Profile.

How to Complete Your ClickBank Client Profile

Step 2: Click the Profile tab or click the Complete My Profile button.


Step 3: Enter the required profile information.

NOTE: Some of the information is pre-populated according to what you provided on the previous sign up form. Any information that is not required will be denoted as optional in the value field. It is extremely important that you provide accurate information in each of these fields. Failure to do so will result in delays or failure to finalize your ClickBank account.


In the "Address" field, enter the address affiliated with the payee of the account. This is important because the default payment method for accounts is payment via mailed check.

NOTE: You must provide an accurate street address that follows the format provided on the form. Your full address information is essential.

Preferred Language
Select the language you prefer to communicate in from the Preferred Language dropdown menu.

Step 4: In the How would you like to be paid? section provide your Payee Name (your name or the name of your company) and your SSN or Tax ID.

NOTE: A tax ID is either an Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS for businesses or a Social Security Number (SSN) if you are operating as an individual. You are required to provide your tax ID because ClickBank issues 1099 tax forms to affiliates who make over $600 USD. Your tax ID must match the payee name provided for the account.


Step 5: In the Let’s Optimize Your Performance section indicate what you want to do from the I want to… dropdown menu and select your annual revenue from the My company’s annual revenue is… dropdown menu.

Step 6: Click Save. NOTE: If for any reason you want to take a break in your signup process, you can click Do Later. This will save your progress in the sign-up process. However, you cannot complete the sign-up process without completing your profile.


Step 7: Proceed to finalizing your ClickBank Account.

How to Finalize Your ClickBank Account

As an affiliate, you do not have to create a new ClickBank Account Nickname for each ClickBank Seller you wish to promote. You can promote multiple sellers from the same ClickBank Account Nickname. If you create multiple accounts, it can be difficult to reach the payment threshold and the customer distribution requirement thus delaying your commission payment.

Additionally, the Link Account button is intended only for users who have legacy accounts that they wish to link to their new primary ClickBank account. Once you create an account nickname, you are not required to link it.

NOTE: Proceed to Step 2 if you’re already logged in.

Step 2: Read the information on the Attention ClickBank Sellers and Affiliates modal and click the Download Suppression List and Accept.


Step 3: Click the Accounts tab or click the Create an Account button.

NOTE: The Link Account button is for clients who have legacy accounts that they are connecting to their primary ClickBank account.


Step 4: Provide the required information including selecting a role from the Account Type dropdown menu.

NOTE: If you plan to operate as a ClickBank Seller, you must pay a one-time activation charge once your first product has been approved. This charge is $49.95 for your first account and $29.95 for any additional accounts. See the Creating Your First Product article for more information.


  • Vendor:
    ClickBank Vendors (aka Sellers) sell ClickBank-approved, quality products ranging from e-books to fitness supplements.

  • Affiliate:
    Affiliates find products they are passionate about and promote them on their promotional platforms.

  • Combination:
    ClickBank Clients can choose to be both a vendor (seller) and an affiliate. If this applies to you, select this option.

  • Custom:
    If you are only planning on selling or promoting for a season, select this option.

  • Test:
    If you're just exploring ClickBank, check this option. You can always change this later.

Step 5: Click the Sign Up button.


Step 6: Proceed to update your ClickBank account payment information.

NOTE: In order to complete all four phases of the sign-up process, you must add your payment information to your account to receive commission for sales (through revenue share or CPA).

How to Update Your ClickBank Payment Information

NOTE: Proceed to Step 2 if you’re already logged in.

Step 2: Click the Accounts tab and select the account nickname that you created from the Nickname column.


Step 3: Click on the Account Settings tab.


Step 4: Confirm the email address you used to sign up for your account in the same browser on a desktop.

NOTE: You must confirm your email address in the same browser window.


Step 5: Locate the Payment Information box and click Edit.


Step 6: Provide the payment information for this account.

NOTE: Depending on your preferences, you can change your payment threshold, payment method, and payment frequency.


Step 7: Click Save Changes.


Step 8: Congrats! Proceed to use your ClickBank account to promote or sell products.

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