Once you complete a search in the ClickBank Marketplace, a list of marketplace listings will be returned depending on your search parameters. Each listing includes the name of the product, the seller-provided blurb about it, the average dollars per conversion earned by affiliates, a link to add the product to your Favorites list, the Promote button, and—at the bottom of the listing—icons indicating information about the particular offer.
It also includes information about the category of the offer, the gravity score, the initial dollars per conversion, and the recurring dollars per rebill.
NOTE: The data displayed in the statistics section is an average calculated using data from the previous 12 weeks. If a product is a new product or if it has not sold within the past 12 weeks, statistics data will not be displayed.
Below, find more information about each statistics and what it means.
- Avg $/Conversion:
This number is the average commission that an affiliate earns for each conversion to the seller's offer, which includes the earnings from all sales (initial sales, upsells, and rebills).
- Gravity Score:
Gravity represents a unique calculation by ClickBank that takes into account the number of different affiliates who earned a commission by promoting this product over the past 12 weeks. Since more recent transactions are given a higher value, this number can give you an idea of what products are “hot” at the moment, in terms of being promoted by many affiliates and making a good number of sales. However, high gravity can also indicate that there will be a lot of competition in promoting this product.
- Initial $/Conversion:
This number is the average commission an affiliate initially earns for each conversion to the seller's offer, including the commission from any upsells or order bumps that result from the first sale. This number does not include affiliate earnings from any rebill payments of subscription products. This number is only shown if the seller offers recurring products, such as memberships and subscriptions that regularly bill customers over time.
- Recurring $/Rebill:
This number is the average commission an affiliate earns for each rebill payment of the seller's product(s). This number is only shown if the seller offers recurring products, such as memberships and subscriptions that regularly bill customers over time.
Additional Resources & Related Articles
- BLOG POST: ClickBank Gravity Score: The Facts Behind the Mystery
- KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: What is the ClickBank Marketplace?
- KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: How do I use the ClickBank Marketplace search functions?
- KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: What categories and subcategories are ClickBank products sorted into?