To earn money as a ClickBank Seller, you must add a product to ClickBank. This product is sold using the ClickBank Order Form. When you create your ClickBank Marketplace Listing, affiliates can search for your product and promote it. Sellers set a commission type and rate in their account nickname, which houses their product. Account nicknames are access via the primary account--which is were you can view all of your analytics for all of your account nicknames and products.
Related: How do ClickBank accounts work?
Selling on ClickBank is a little different than other traditional e-commerce platforms. ClickBank relies on the power of the affiliate network to scale offers, which are a combination of initial sales, upsells, order bumps, and subscriptions. ClickBank primarily works best for sellers who want to take a Direct Response approach to offer creation. We recommend sellers learn more about this tactic before or while they onboard their product onto the platform.
NOTE: Remember to create your Marketplace listing in this process. It's the only way that affiliates see your offer on the ClickBank platform.
Related: How do I add or update my marketplace listing?
Below, find a series of benchmarks that are important for sellers interested selling their product on ClickBank.
ClickBank Seller Prerequisites
There are a several steps to complete before you can add a product listing to your ClickBank Account.
First, you must create the product itself. ClickBank does not offer product creation services. All products must have a product image.
Related: Guide to Using Images on ClickBank
Next, you must acquire any necessary legal documentation.
ClickBank does not provide trademarking or copywriting services, so you must complete this step on your own. Next, you must perform your own quality assurance for your product.
RELATED: Trademark Basics
In addition to these steps, you must make sure that your product complies with ClickBank's Guidelines.
Signing Up For a ClickBank Account
To get started as a ClickBank Seller, go to the ClickBank homepage and click Start Here. Follow the necessary steps to create your ClickBank account.
Related: How do I sign up for a ClickBank Account?
Creating a Pitch Page
To sell your products through ClickBank, you must have your own website with a unique registered domain name. ClickBank does not support websites hosted on free sites.
Additionally, ClickBank does not offer website building services or domain registration. However, ClickBank has partnered with several party services to help our users build websites. You can also use Accelerator.
RELATED: ClickBank Integrated Solutions
A Pitch Page (aka landing page) is a page that features a seller's product and offers potential customers a chance to purchase items via a payment link. Affiliates will direct potential customers to these pages through unique referral links (also known as HopLinks) in their promotional material.
You must include the following elements on your Pitch Page:
Product Delivery Method and Speed
This is information on how the product will be delivered to the customer (e.g. direct download, via email, etc) and how long they should anticipate to wait to receive the product (e.g. immediately, 5-minutes, 1-2 business days, etc). If you are selling a recurring billing product, make sure to indicate when the recurring product will be delivered (e.g. on the first of the month, every 30 days, etc).
Detailed Description of the Product
ClickBank Sellers are required to provide a detailed description of their product including size and weight.
Disclaimer Clarifying that ClickBank Does Not Endorse the Product
In order to remove ClickBank from any perceived endorsement of your product, you must include the following disclaimer on your Pitch Page:
"ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products."
File Format of the Product
You are required to specify the file format of your product as well as any software or operating system that is required to use it (e.g., Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, etc).
Payment Link
Each Pitch Page must included a payment link.
Price of the Product
The price of the product must be obviously displayed on the Pitch Page.
Rebill Schedule
If you are selling recurring billing products, you must clearly state all of the details of the rebill schedule, including the number of times a customer is billed and how frequently they will be billed.
Seller Contact Information
Sellers must only display their contact information in the following format in the footer of the website:"For Product Support, please contact the seller HERE"
"For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE"NOTE: The hyperlink to contact ClickBank should direct customers to: www.clkbank.com. In order to stay compliant, both the seller and ClickBank's information must be displayed.
Shipping & Return Information
Physical product shipping and return information must be displayed on the pitch page or in a link on the footer of the page.
All statements made on the Pitch Page are subject to ClickBank's Client Contract and Product Requirements, as well as all applicable federal and state laws, including, but not limited to, U.S. Federal Trade Commission regulations, policies, and guidelines governing advertising, disclosure, and consumer protection.
Creating a Thank You Page
Thank You Pages are displayed after a customer has purchased a product. Customers will only see this page once their sale has been approved. Your Thank You Page must include the following information:
Access Instructions
Provide clear and efficient instructions on how to download or access the product.
Contact Information
You must provide contact information for customers to contact you if they have questions about the product or require technical assistance. Include an email address, a link to your email address, or a "Contact Us" link.
A Disclaimer Clarifying that ClickBank Does Not Endorse the Product
In order to remove ClickBank from any perceived endorsement of your product, you must include the following disclaimer on your Thank You Page:
"ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products."
A Note that their Purchase Will Be Reflected as "ClickBank or "CLKBANK*COM"
Often times customers are confused when they see a charge on their bank statement from ClickBank rather than from the seller they purchased the product from. Make sure to clarify that the charge will originate from ClickBank.
Creating a Payment Link
A payment link (aka paylink) is a link that a customer clicks when they are ready to make a purchase from the Pitch Page. This link directs the customer to the ClickBank Order Form. This is where they will provide their payment information and complete the sale. Once the sale is finalized, the customer is provided with a unique receipt number and then directed to the seller's "Thank You Page." Sellers must create the payment link manually and then insert it into the Pitch Page using the following HTML format.
Here it is in HTML:
<a href="https://SELLER.pay.clickbank.net/?cbitems=ITEM" target="cb">
RELATED: How to Create a Payment Link
Updating Your ClickBank Nickname Account Information
ClickBank products are housed in nickname accounts which are access through the ClickBank Primary (aka "Master") Account. This is also where sellers can update their ClickBank Marketplace information, set their payment preferences, and create custom commission rates. Here's how to access and edit the information on the My Site tab of your nickname account.
Related: How do ClickBank accounts work?
Step 1: Log in to ClickBank.
Step 2: Click the Accounts tab.
Step 3: Select the nickname of the account you want to update.
Step 4: Click the Vendor Settings tab.
Step 5: Click My Site.
Step 6: Select the module that you wish to update or edit by clicking Edit located in the top right corner of each section.
In the My Site section of the Vendor Settings tab, there are multiple modules that contain nickname account-specific information including:
Site Status
This section indicates the status of your site including: Activated and Pending Product Approval.Customer Support Information
This section contains vendor brand and customer support information including support email, phone, and website as well as instructions for returning physical products. This information is only visible to customers who have purchased your product in the Customer Notification Email and via the Customer Self Service Portal, CLKBANK.COM.Marketplace Information
Order Form Control
This module allows for sellers to change their settings regarding PayPal, and the EU Order Form Marketing Consent Checkbox.Integrated Sales Reporting
Advanced Tools
Managing Your AffiliatesThis section is where sellers can set custom revenue-share or CPA commission rates for affiliates.
Blocked Affiliates
In this section, sellers can block affiliates.
Step 7: Once you have added or updated information in any of the module sections, click the Save Changes button.
Adding a New Product to ClickBank
Step 1: Log in to ClickBank.
Step 2: Click the Accounts tab.
Step 3: Select the account nickname of the account you want to update.
Step 4: Click the Vendor Settings tab.
Step 5: Click My Products.
Step 6: Click Add New Product.
Step 7: Select the type of product you want to add from the Select Product Type dropdown menu.
Step 8: Complete the workflow. Each workflow is specific to a particular product type. For more information on what elements are required for each product, click the links below:
One-Time Digital Product
Step 9: Enter in the required product details and then click Next.
Product Category
Select the category that your product best fits in from the Product Category dropdown menu.Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes. Note: The item number is often referred to as a Product Number.Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank Order Form. This field is limited to 70 characters.Product Image
You are not required to provide a product image when you first add your product. However, your product will not be approved without an image.Language
Select the language in which the product is offered from the Language dropdown menu.
Step 10: Provide the url of of your Pitch Page in the Pitch Page URL field and provide the url of your Thank You Page in the Thank You Page URL field. Then, click Next.
NOTE: If you do not have a Thank You Page and want ClickBank to host your digital product, check the box to indicate so.
Step 11: In the Pricing section, select the product currency from the Product Currency dropdown menu and enter the price of the product in the Product Price field. Then click Next.
NOTE: If you allow flexible refunds, this field will appear in this section.
Related: Using the Flexible Refunds Feature
Step 12: Provide your commission details in the Affiliate Commission section. You can edit and customize product commissions after product approval as well. Click Next.
Step 13: Once you have completed every section, click Save & Exit.
Recurring Digital Products
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "Recurring Digital Product" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes.Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.Language
The language in which the product is offered.Image (Optional)
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.Description
A description of the product that is displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 255 characters. This description does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page.Mobile Pitch Page URL (Optional)
The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.Max Purchase Quantity
The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing & Commission Details
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product.
Initial Price
The price the customer pays for the initial purchase of a recurring billing product. The initial price must be either $0 or at least $1.00. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $1 according to the current exchange rate.
ClickBank charges a $.50 fee for the initial sale of a product with a free trial (a $0 initial price). This fee is displayed using the code ftfee-01 in transactions reporting.
NOTE: The ability to create a product with a $0 initial price is an admin-controlled feature. Contact ClickBank if you want to offer a product with a free trial. If you want to create a "free + shipping" trial, you can enable that feature from My Features.
Related: How do I offer a free trial of my product?
Use Initial Product title and description
This checkbox specifies that the product title and product details for the initial product should be used for each re-bill as well. You can deselect this checkbox to provide a separate title and description for the re-bill portion of a recurring product.
Recurring Product Title
This title is used for the re-bills of a recurring product in communications with customers.
Recurring Product Description
This description is used for the re-bills of a recurring product in communications with customers.
Recurring Product Price
The price the customer pays for each subsequent payment for the duration of a recurring product. The minimum re-bill price is $4.95. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth at least $4.95 according to the current exchange rate.
Recurring Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for each rebill of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Re-bill Frequency
How often the customer is re-billed for a recurring product. You can select a pre-existing frequency (weekly, every other week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) or create a new frequency by specifying a number of days, weeks, or months. Frequencies can range from one day to one year. The ability to offer semi-annual and annual products is an admin-controlled feature, so contact ClickBank if you want to offer semi-annual or annual products.
Pre Re-bill Email Notification
The number of days prior to a recurring billing the customer will receive a Pre re-bill notification email. This number of days must be less than the re-bill frequency.
Subscription Duration
The number of times a customer is billed, including the initial payment and all re-bills, for a recurring product.
Trial Period
The number of days before the second bill will occur for a recurring product. If a trial period is selected, the initial payment period equals the number of days selected as the trial period. The frequency selected will apply to the rest of the subscription. For example, a subscription offering a fourteen-day trial period with a duration of 65 monthly payments will have one two-week trial period and 64 monthly re-bills. The trial period timeframe cannot exceed 31 days.
Product Delivery Details
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
One-Time Physical Products
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "One-Time Physical Product" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes.
Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.
The language in which the product is offered.
Image (Optional)
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.
Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page
Mobile Pitch Page URL (Optional) – The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.
Max Purchase Quantity – The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing and Commission Details
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product. You can sell the product in any currency, but the product currency must match the currency used in the shipping profile.
Product Price
The price the customer pays for a one-time product. This price must be either $0 or at least $3. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $3 according to the current exchange rate.
If you offer a $0 product, you can give affiliates a commission on the shipping and handling charges, which are not normally included in commission calculations.
NOTE: The ability to offer $0 products and the ability to give commissions on shipping and handling are admin-controlled. Contact ClickBank if you want access to these features.
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for the sale of a one-time product.
Product Delivery Details
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Shipping Profile
The shipping profile to use with a physical product. The currency used in the shipping profile must match the product currency. See the Selling Physical Products article for more information about creating a shipping profile.
Delivery Method
The method by which a physical product is delivered.
Delivery Speed
The estimated time it will take for a physical product to be delivered.
Recurring Physical Product
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "Recurring Physical Product" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes.
Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace
The language in which the product is offered.
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.
A description of the product that is displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 255 characters. This description does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.
Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page.
Mobile Pitch Page URL (Optional)
The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.
Max Purchase Quantity
The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing & Commission Details
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product. You can sell the product in any currency, but the product currency must match the currency used in the shipping profile.Initial Price
The price the customer pays for the initial purchase of a recurring billing product. The initial price must be either $0 or at least $1.00. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $1 according to the current exchange rate.
ClickBank charges a $.50 fee for the initial sale of a product with a free trial (a $0 initial price). This fee is displayed using the code ftfee-01 in transactions reporting. NOTE: The ability to create a product with a $0 initial price is an admin-controlled feature. Contact ClickBank if you want to offer a product with a free trial.
Initial Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for the initial sale of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Use Initial Product Title and Description
This checkbox specifies that the product title and product details for the initial product should be used for each re-bill as well. You can deselect this checkbox to provide a separate title and description for the re-bill portion of a recurring product.
Recurring Product Title
This title is used for the re-bills of a recurring product in communications with customers.
Recurring Product Description
This description is used for the re-bills of a recurring product in communications with customers.
Recurring Product Price
The price the customer pays for each subsequent payment for the duration of a recurring product. The minimum re-bill price is $4.95. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth at least $4.95 according to the current exchange rate.
Recurring Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for each re-bill of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Re-bill Frequency
How often the customer is re-billed for a recurring product. You can select a pre-existing frequency (weekly, every other week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) or create a new frequency by specifying a number of days, weeks, or months. Frequencies can range from one day to one year. The ability to offer semi-annual and annual products is an admin-controlled feature, so contact ClickBank if you want to offer semi-annual or annual products.
Pre Re-bill Email Notification
The number of days prior to a recurring billing the customer will receive a Pre re-bill notification email. This number of days must be less than the re-bill frequency.
Subscription Duration
The number of times a customer is billed, including the initial payment and all re-bills, for a recurring product.
Trial Period
The number of days before the second bill will occur for a recurring product. If a trial period is selected, the initial payment period equals the number of days selected as the trial period. The frequency selected will apply to the rest of the subscription. For example, a subscription offering a fourteen-day trial period with a duration of 65 monthly payments will have one two-week trial period and 64 monthly re-bills. The trial period timeframe cannot exceed 31 days.
Product Delivery Details
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Shipping Profile
The shipping profile to use with a physical product. The currency used in the shipping profile must match the product currency. See the Selling Physical Products article for more information about creating a shipping profile.
Delivery Method
The method by which a physical product is delivered.
Delivery Speed
The estimated time it will take for a physical product to be delivered.
Digital Product With One-Time Physical Component
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "Digital Product with One-Time Physical Component" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes.
Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.
The language in which the product is offered.
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.
Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page.
Mobile Pitch Page URL (Optional)
The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.
Max Purchase Quantity
The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing & Commission
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product. You can sell the product in any currency, but the product currency must match the currency used in the shipping profile.
Product Price
The price the customer pays for a one-time product. This price must be either $0 or at least $3. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $3 according to the current exchange rate.
If you offer a $0 product, you can give affiliates a commission on the shipping and handling charges, which are not normally included in commission calculations. NOTE: The ability to offer $0 products and the ability to give commissions on shipping and handling are admin-controlled. Contact ClickBank if you want access to these features.
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for the sale of a one-time product.
Product Delivery Details
Digital Product Upload
You can upload a one-time digital product here to have it delivered by ClickBank.
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Shipping Profile
The shipping profile to use with a physical product. The currency used in the shipping profile must match the product currency. See the Selling Physical Products article for more information about creating a shipping profile.
Delivery Method
The method by which a physical product is delivered.
Delivery Speed
The estimated time it will take for a physical product to be delivered.
Physical Product With Recurring Digital Component
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "Physical Product With Recurring Digital Component" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes
Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace
The language in which the product is offered.
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.
A description of the product that is displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 255 characters. This description does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.
Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page.
Mobile Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.
Max Purchase Quantity
The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing & Commission Details
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product. You can sell the product in any currency, but the product currency must match the currency used in the shipping profile.
Initial Price
The price the customer pays for the initial purchase of a recurring billing product. The initial price must be either $0 or at least $1.00. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $1 according to the current exchange rate.=
ClickBank charges a $.50 fee for the initial sale of a product with a free trial. This fee is displayed using the code ftfee-01 in transactions reporting.
NOTE: The ability to create a product with a $0 initial price is an admin-controlled feature. Contact ClickBank if you want to offer a product with a free trial.
Initial Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for the initial sale of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Recurring Product Price
The price the customer pays for each subsequent payment for the duration of a recurring product. The minimum rebill price is $4.95. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth at least $4.95 according to the current exchange rate.
Recurring Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for each rebill of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Rebill Frequency
How often the customer is rebilled for a recurring product. You can select a pre-existing frequency (weekly, every other week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) or create a new frequency by specifying a number of days, weeks, or months. Frequencies can range from one day to one year. The ability to offer semi-annual and annual products is an admin-controlled feature, so contact ClickBank if you want to offer semi-annual or annual products.
Pre-rebill Email Notification
The number of days prior to a recurring billing the customer will receive a pre-rebill notification email. This number of days must be less than the rebill frequency.
Subscription Duration
The number of times a customer is billed, including the initial payment and all rebills, for a recurring product.
Trial Period
The number of days before the second bill will occur for a recurring product. If a trial period is selected, the initial payment period equals the number of days selected as the trial period. The frequency selected will apply to the rest of the subscription. For example, a subscription offering a fourteen-day trial period with a duration of 65 monthly payments will have one two-week trial period and 64 monthly rebills. The trial period timeframe cannot exceed 31 days.
Product Delivery Details
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Shipping Profile
The shipping profile to use with a physical product. The currency used in the shipping profile must match the product currency. See the Selling Physical Products article for more information about creating a shipping profile.
Delivery Method
The method by which a physical product is delivered.
Delivery Speed
The estimated time it will take for a physical product to be delivered.
One-Time Digital and Recurring Physical Product
The following bullets represent the particular information items that are required for a "One-Time Digital and Recurring Physical Product" new product entry.
Product Details
Item Number
Each product in your account must have a unique item number. This value can include letters, numbers, and dashes
Product Title
The product title that should be displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 70 characters. This title does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace
The language in which the product is offered.
The image displayed on the order form for the product. You can select any approved image that you have uploaded.
A description of the product that is displayed on the ClickBank order form. This field is limited to 255 characters. This description does not appear in the ClickBank Marketplace.
Pitch Page URL
The URL where you will offer the recurring billing product to your customers. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL on the My Site page.
Mobile Pitch Page URL (Optional)
The URL where you will offer the product to customers on mobile devices.
Max Purchase Quantity
The maximum quantity available for a single purchase.
Product Pricing & Commission Details
Product Currency
The currency with which customers can purchase the product. You can sell the product in any currency, but the product currency must match the currency used in the shipping profile.
Initial Price
The price the customer pays for the initial purchase of a recurring billing product. The initial price must be either $0 or at least $1.00. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth either $0 or at least $1 according to the current exchange rate.=
ClickBank charges a $.50 fee for the initial sale of a product with a free trial. This fee is displayed using the code ftfee-01 in transactions reporting. NOTE – The ability to create a product with a $0 initial price is an admin-controlled feature. Contact ClickBank if you want to offer a product with a free trial.
Initial Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for the initial sale of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Recurring Product Price
The price the customer pays for each subsequent payment for the duration of a recurring product. The minimum re-bill price is $4.95. If you are using a currency other than US Dollars, the price must be worth at least $4.95 according to the current exchange rate.
Recurring Commission
The commission percentage an affiliate receives for each re-bill of a recurring product. You can allow commission tiers to override the value specified here.
Re-bill Frequency
How often the customer is re-billed for a recurring product. You can select a pre-existing frequency (weekly, every other week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) or create a new frequency by specifying a number of days, weeks, or months. Frequencies can range from one day to one year. The ability to offer semi-annual and annual products is an admin-controlled feature, so contact ClickBank if you want to offer semi-annual or annual products.
Pre Re-bill Email Notification
The number of days prior to a recurring billing the customer will receive a Pre Re-bill notification email. This number of days must be less than the re-bill frequency.
Subscription Duration
The number of times a customer is billed, including the initial payment and all re-bills, for a recurring product.
Trial Period
The number of days before the second bill will occur for a recurring product. If a trial period is selected, the initial payment period equals the number of days selected as the trial period. The frequency selected will apply to the rest of the subscription. For example, a subscription offering a fourteen-day trial period with a duration of 65 monthly payments will have one two-week trial period and 64 monthly re-bills. The trial period timeframe cannot exceed 31 days.
Product Delivery Details
Thank You Page URL
The URL where the customer is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Mobile Thank You Page URL
The URL where a customer using a mobile device is taken after purchase, which provides instructions on how to retrieve the product.
Shipping Profile
The shipping profile to use with a physical product. The currency used in the shipping profile must match the product currency. CLICK HERE to see the selling Physical Products article for more information about creating a shipping profile.
Delivery Method
The method by which a physical product is delivered.
Delivery Speed
The estimated time it will take for a physical product to be delivered.
Step 7: Click the Submit For Review button.
Once your product is submitted, the compliance review will take between 3-5 business days.
In your My Products table, your product will be visible with the Pending Review status chip. When the review is complete, this will change to Active. If there are any issues with compliance, they will be indicated by an Action Required button.
How do I pay the one-time $49.95 activation charge?
Once your product is approved by the ClickBank Compliance Team, you will receive an approval email. The next step is to pay the one-time $49.95 activation charge. You will receive instructions from ClickBank Business Services via email that explain how to do this. You can pay the fee by credit/debit car, PayPal, or money order.
If you already have one or more ClickBank accounts with active products, you can pay a discounted activation charge of $29.95 for additional accounts. To receive the discounted activation fee for your additional accounts, include a note in the "Comments" section of the first product approval request you submit from the new account, stating that you would like the discounted activation fee for your new account and including the account nickname of your first account or the receipt number of the initial activation charge payment.
Once your payment has gone through successfully, your site status on the "My Site" Page will change to "Activated," and you can begin selling your approved products. Please note that you cannot pay the activation charge until your product has been approved and you have received notification from Business Services.
Note: If you would like to delay your Marketplace listing until a specific date (for example, if you have a scheduled "launch date" for your product) you can wait until the day before you wish to launch to pay your activation fee. Once your product is activated, it will be live in our Marketplace within 24 hours.
What are the next steps?
Once your product is activated, it will be listed in the ClickBank Marketplace and ready for affiliates to promote. You can also begin accepting orders through the ClickBank Order Form.
Attracting Affiliates
You can create an Affiliate Tools Page page to provide additional information, images, resources, and more to potential affiliates. These resources let you control your branding and also make it easier for affiliates to promote your product.
Providing Customer Service
Once you begin selling your product, you will need to be prepared to offer customer service, such as answering questions about your product and handling refund requests. For more information about providing customer service, see the Customer Support Ticket System article.
Optimizing Your Offer
The ClickBank Youtube Channel is always providing fresh, new content for ClickBank Clients to help them build, market, and scale their offers to new heights. Subscribe here!
Additional Resources & Related Articles
OFFICIAL GUIDE: ClickBank Seller Launch Checklist
The ClickBank Seller Launch Checklist is a comprehensive official ClickBank guide that contains everything you need to know to achieve success on ClickBank.OFFICIAL GUIDE: The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Glossary
KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: Where do I find my product number?
KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: Selling Multiple Products