The Spark Community is one of the greatest benefits of joining Spark. In order to preserve a space that is productive and encouraging for everyone in the community, all members must follow these rules.
Spark Community Rules
This is a community of students who help each other learn to generate traffic and make more sales as an affiliate. Breaking any of the following rules could result in an immediate ban.
Be respectful We are not a community for debating political or religious topics. Please be respectful of others and avoid engaging in these topics as they are inappropriate for the community.
Be appropriate This is a business-oriented community. Please keep all content safe for a work environment. Including but not limited to chat messages profile pictures, usernames, statuses and ‘about me’ profile sections.
Use respectful language Please be mindful of your language when posting, messaging, and commenting in existing posts. Avoid the use of offensive or inappropriate language (no swearing). Treat others with respect and kindness in your communication.
Be Encouraging and Respectful of Others' Experiences When expressing your opinions and sharing your thoughts, it's important to remember that everyone has different experiences, and all perspectives are valuable. This is a SAFE environment for individuals to share insights based on their unique experiences. Please be respectful and supportive of others.
Do NOT tag @ everyone @ here Please note that the whole server is notified when these tags are used. And these are to be used only by the moderation team for announcements and updates.
Do NOT Spam This community is provided by ClickBank for the Spark students to learn and grow together through conversation. Spamming self-promotions is not allowed.
No Harassment Impersonation of experts, admins, or other users is harassment. Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated and will be met with an immediate ban.