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Advertising Guidelines
Updated over a month ago

The following are ClickBank's advertising guidelines.

This article contains the following sections:

Opportunities & Eligibility

Display ads on A display ad is a type of advertising that typically contains text (i.e. copy), logos, photographs or other images, location maps, and similar items.

To be eligible to Advertise on ClickBank, each of the following requirements must be met:

  • Advertiser and/or Advertisers' product must be approved by ClickBank.

  • Advertiser must have a refund rate that is below 20% and a chargeback and fraud rate that is below 1%. (In the event an advertiser's rates rise above those ranges, their ad(s) will be suspended immediately and until rating returns to the minimum standard. No advertising fees will be refunded or returned.)

Content Requirements

All ad content will be reviewed and must adhere to ClickBank’s Seller Promotional Messaging Guidelines. Any changes to ad creative (including landing pages, Pitch Pages, and affiliate tools pages) that are made subsequent to approval confirmation must first be submitted to ClickBank for review.

Content MUST include:

  • Creative must incorporate logo and brand name.

  • Banner must include a call to action (i.e. "Click Here") with a validated landing page.

  • Text must be in a contrasting color to the background color of the ad.

  • All ad images must be professional and high quality.

Content may include:

  • Verifiable past successes, including total affiliate commission pay-outs, previous launch performance, etc. If statements regarding past launch and product performance are not in the same niche as the content of the ad, the seller must state the niche and provide the account nickname for review. Example: Seller is promoting to recruit affiliates for a dog-training product, but the affiliate commission pay-out statement is for a previous launch in internet marketing--"Paid out over $1 million in affiliate commissions from last launch in internet marketing niche!" In this case, the seller must provide the account nickname affiliated with the internet marketing launch and information on how the commission number was calculated.

  • Affiliate tools (i.e. banners, affiliate-provided email swipes, etc.)

  • Front-end product price and upsells. This information helps affiliates determine commission pay-out for promoting the product.

  • Statements Regarding Potential Commission Payouts. Example: "You will earn up to $XX on each sale."

  • Scarcity messaging. Scarcity messaging may be used when there are actual limitations to the quantity or time that is communicated.

  • Testimonials and endorsements. Testimonials and endorsements must comply with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines. This means that sellers cannot use false and deceptive statements in their written promotions or their video promotions. All specific advertising claims about a product’s performance or quality must be capable of substantiation—that is they must be real examples based on actual experiences. A statement that not all consumers will get the same results is not enough to qualify a claim. Testimonials and endorsements can’t be used to make a claim that the advertiser itself cannot substantiate.

Content MUST NOT include:

  • Major brand/corporate logos on ads or affiliate tools page.

  • Animated images of any type.

  • Content of any type that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, infringing or invasive of intellectual or personal rights. ClickBank may determine if content violates this requirements at the company's discretion.

  • Unauthorized celebrity photos.

  • False, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.

  • Adult content. Including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, and/or depictions that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.

  • Content that promotes any illegal, deceptive, and/or dangerous products, services, or activities--including, but not limited to hacking or evading law enforcement.

  • Excessive violence including blood, gore, and violent gun play. Content cannot be threatening, abusive, harassing, hateful.

  • Imagery or copy that incites violence.

  • Alcohol or alcohol-related content.

  • Gambling products or services.

  • Foul, vulgar, or obscene language.

  • Images or copy that implies or depicts actual mistreatment of humans or animals.

  • Distracting pictures. Content must not contain distracting pictures that are not relevant in any way to the seller's product.

  • Specific EPC rates. EPC stands for "Earnings Per Click."

  • Specific conversion/refund rates.

  • Expected sales information. Example: "This product will generate over one million dollars!" or "Easiest way to $1,00,000 profitability!"

  • Earnings per sale information. The ad must only communicate expected earnings in commission information only. It must not state or imply that earnings are higher than listed in the account. If commission information is included, the percentage must match the percentage provided in the seller's account. Example: "100% commission! ClickBank's highest commission level is 75%."

  • False scarcity messaging. Content must not imply scarcity when there is no actual scarcity of the product or timeline for an affiliate contest. Example: "Only 300 copies!"--when in reality, there are unlimited copies; tickers or timers counting down where there is no time limit to register to promote; stating that the offer is a one-time opportunity with a limited occurrence if in fact there is no actual scarcity.

  • Promotion of affiliate bonus programs and/or prizes not supported by ClickBank (including commission rates over 75%).

  • Third-party testimonials. Example: "Client X says Client Z's product is the best product in this niche!"

  • Any unsubstantiated claims or other vague statements that cannot be verified. Example: "#1", "best", "the top", "biggest", "highest", or other similar statements.

  • Videos that portray of reference a fictionalized individual or life story where a seller makes false claims as part of a product pitch.

  • Videos that portray or reference the seller him or herself, where the seller makes false claims about his earnings and/or experience as part of the product pitch.

  • Videos which will not allow viewers to exit or pause.

  • Expert endorsements without substantiation. Example: An endorsement from a doctor must include proof that the doctor has performed test or evaluations and has mastered the subject matter being described in the product pitch.

  • Sale pricing that suggests that a product previously sold at a higher price, if in fact it did not sell at a higher price.

  • More than three (3) upsells (i.e. one-time offers) and more than two (2) exit pops for each sales flow.

  • Unauthorized use of the ClickBank logo. For authorized usage, see our Trademark Use Guidelines

  • Statements that infer the product is significantly easier to use than it really is. ClickBank requires that the product pitch make reasonable attempts to reflect the actual effort required to achieve typical results. It is generally unreasonable to assume that someone with little or no experience in internet marketing can achieve a 6-figure income with an hour or less of effort per day. It is more reasonable to assume that with attention, effort, and time, the average person with little or not internet marketing experience can achieve a supplemental income. Example: "One push button to make money!" or "Three simple words will provide you income."

  • "As Seen On..." statements. These statements are not permitted without documentation providing proof that the product was seen on the stations, television shows, and/or magazines that are listed. The documentation is not required for ad approval, however it will be requested upon approval.

  • Blind offers. Blind offers are defined as sales pitches that make promises about what the customer can earn or achieve without any specific details about how the product accomplishes these claims. Ads must be clear about what techniques or tactics the product teaches or utilizes to achieve results for the customer.

  • Account statistics. Ads cannot include account statistics including but not limited to daily or weekly sales snapshots.

  • Videos. Sellers must submit a script prior to its approval. Videos will not be accepted without a script review.

Affiliate Context Bonus Disclaimer

An affiliate tools page promoting an affiliate contest must include the following language:

This bonus offer has been created by the applicable Seller and not by ClickBank. Accordingly, ClickBank is not responsible for any information contained in the offer, including, but not limited to, any product information, promotions, incentives, expected returns or other information contained herein. In addition, ClickBank is not responsible for any links to third party websites in conjunction with this offer. Such links do not imply any endorsement by ClickBank of such websites or the content, products or services available from such websites. By clicking on or accessing a third party website listed, you acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites.

Additional Email Requirements

All emails will include ClickBank’s physical address and unsubscribe link in order to be CAN SPAM compliant, as well as the below disclaimer:

Required Legal Disclaimer: The content of this message has been created by the applicable Seller and not by ClickBank. Accordingly, ClickBank is not responsible for any information contained in this message, including, but not limited to, any product information, promotions, incentives, expected returns or other information contained herein. In addition, ClickBank is not responsible for any links to third party websites contained in this message. Such links do not imply any endorsement by ClickBank of such websites or the content, products or services available from such websites. By clicking on or accessing a third party website listed in this message, you acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites.

ClickBank reserves the right to add, remove or modify this policy at any time.

ClickBank reserves the right to reject or remove any advertisements at any time in its sole discretion.

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